• If you hover over your name in the top right, a drop down will appear. You will want to click on ‘Make A Holiday Request’.

  • When you click on ‘Make A Holiday Request’ it will bring you to this screen here where it will show the amount of Holiday Entitlement you have left, if you have a pending request it will be in the ‘Requests’ section. Any approved holiday requests will be shown in the ‘Approved Holidays’ section.


  • t the bottom of the screen, you will have the calendar, this will show the days that you and your colleagues have booked off. You can change the calendar, so it shows by month, week, or day. To book holiday you will need to click on the date that you want the holiday to start on, for example the 24th of January. 

  • Once you have clicked on your preferred date it will appear with this pop up. This is the screen where you will want to enter your start date and end date of your holiday. You can add any comments, if necessary, but it is not mandatory. After you have filled in the details click ‘Save’.

  • Once you have submitted your holiday request it will be shown in the ‘Requests’ section. You’re able to ‘Amend’ and ‘Remove’ the request before it is approved. Once your request has been approved, it will appear in the ‘Approved’ section.

  • As shown in the screenshot, your holiday request once submitted appears in the ‘Approved’ section. It will also appear in the calendar.