• Once you click on the ‘RAMS’ tab it will bring you to this page here. At the top of the page are the filters, you can see in completed RAMS by pressing the Yes and No slider. The other filter is ‘RAMS Divisions’. This allows you to choose a division you want this RAMS to belong to. To create a new RAMS, you will want to click on ‘Create New RAMS’.

  • Once you click ‘Create New RAMS’ it will bring you to this page here. This page will ask for all the generic info of the RAMS. For example, the site, start and end date, description of the work etc.

  • Once you have filled in all the details, scroll down to the bottom and you will want to click the ‘Save and Continue’ button.

  • Once you press ‘Save and Continue’ it will bring you to the ‘Default Text Preview’ page where it will show you the default text highlighting regulations etc.

  • After you have previewed all the text and made your changes, scroll down to the bottom and it will give you the option to ‘Save and Return to RAMS List’ or ‘Save and Continue’.

  • Once clicking ‘Save and Continue’ it will bring you to the Method Statements page where you will want to select the method statements you want to include. You can also add Additional documentation if necessary. When you’re happy with your selection, click ‘Save and Continue’.

  • You will then be brought to the page where you can make any necessary changes to your Method Statement, you will need to do this as many times depending on how many items you selected beforehand. After you are happy with the changes you have made, you will want to click ‘Save and Continue’.

  • You will then be brought to the CoSHH generator page. Select your CoSHH assessments from the left hand side. Any materials that are not covered by CoSHH, will need to be added into the box below. If you have any additional CoSHH documentation, please add it in as well. Once you have completed all this, click ‘Save and Continue’.

  • When you click ‘Save and Continue’ it will give you the option to edit the ‘CoSHH Options’. If click ‘No’ it will skip a section.

  • If you click ‘Yes’, it will bring you to this screen here where at the top of the page is the CoSHH assessment itself.

  • If you scroll down, you will see the CoSHH options that you are able to edit, you can edit the type of hazard and route of exposure etc.

  • At the bottom of the page there are a few more things you can edit and any additional information if needed. Once you have filled in this information, you will want to click ‘Save COSHH Assessment’. You will need to do this as based on how many items you selected beforehand.

  • You will then be brought to the Risk Assessment selection page. Same process as the others, select the Risk Assessments you want to include and any additional documentation, then press ‘Save and Continue’.

  • Once you have clicked ‘Save and Continue’ it will bring you to this page here where you can change the exposure frequency and duration for each activity selected. Once you have made your adjustments, click ‘Save and Continue’.

  • You will then be brought to this page here where you are able to make any final changes such as the risk rating, the likely harm and even the hazard itself. You can also remove a hazard by clicking the ‘Remove Hazard’ button. Please note you will need to do this as many times depending on how many items you selected.

  • Once you have made all your final changes and you’re happy with them. You will want to scroll down to the bottom of the page and click ‘Save and Continue’.

  • Once you have pressed ‘Save and Continue’ a pop up will appear, asking for your signature and any comments on edit, once you have done this click ‘Save’.

  • When you click ‘Save’ it will bring you to the original RAMS screen where you will be able to see the RAMS you have just created. You will be able to download, edit, copy, and archive the RAMS.