How to generate a CoSHH document on WISE
Modified on: Wed, 23 Feb, 2022 at 3:29 PM
- Once you click on the ‘CoSHH’ tab it will bring you to the ‘CoSHH Generator’ page where you can download, copy, edit and delete any existing CoSHH documents. To generate a new document, you click on the ‘Generate new CoSHH document’.
- Now that you’re on the CoSHH generator page, what you will want to do is enter your name for the CoSHH document, select the site and then choose the items you want from the list. After you have filled in the details press continue.
- Once you have pressed continue it will appear with a pop up asking if you would like to edit the CoSHH options as you can see here in this screenshot.
- If you click ‘Yes’ it will bring you to one of the items you selected and show you the CoSHH assessment, it will also allow you to edit it. For example, categorising the hazard, how is the risk controlled and how much PPE is needed.
- Once you have made your adjustments you will then scroll down to the bottom and press ‘Save CoSHH Assessment’. This will then bring you to the next item you selected, and you will need to repeat the process depending on how many items you selected.
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